While Matt Peterson is the current VP of Woodward Tahoe, Boreal and Soda Springs, he’s done it all in the world of snowboarding.  During his pro riding days, he competed in the X Games, filmed with Warren Miller and others, had the sponsors, and did the travel.  He then went on to help start Academy Snowboards and used his marketing genius to help make the brand an instant success.  And while Matt keeps moving up to bigger and better corporate jobs--in his heart, he will always be that passionate rider, fighting to build meaningful community and he’s doing just that—with Woodward budgets.

Matt Peterson Show Notes:

3:00: Vashon, his dad’s ski industry history, 5 kids, and moving to Wisconsin

7:00:  Snowboarding, his crew, Chad Otterstrom, and Rad Air

14:00:  Being sponsored by brands he wanted to, Hood, and getting in trouble on the hill

21:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code drinkfast

Alpine Vans:  Upgrade your adventure, Upgrade your life

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

23:00:  Music in MN, lone wolf, finishing HS early, and moving to Colorado

33:00:  Winning contests, X Games, Salomon, and Random Snowboards

37:00:  Academy Snowboards

39:30: Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Getting you outside for over 70 years

Rollerblade:  Find out all about the award-winning Skate to Ski program

41:00:  Why Academy was successful, talent spotting, and money

48:00:  What snowboarding was, going back to school, and starting an agency

55:00:  Woodard investing in the youth, setting a Guinness Record, and winning awards

64:00:  Inappropriate Questions with David Amirault