Robin Van Gyn has been a pro snowboarder for over a decade.  She didn’t get on a snowboard until she was 16 and it was full speed ahead from there.  From riding the Olympic Park in college to graduating to Backcountry riding, Robin is one of those people that bring an attitude that’s always fun.  She’s one of those rare people that raises the stoke level every time.  On the podcast we talk a lot about gender, inclusion, and what it took to make it.  Hana Beaman takes care of the Inappropriate Questions

Robin Van Gyn Show Notes:

2:00:  Gender in snowboarding

22:00: Evo 

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Outdoor Research: (Get 15% off you’re order with the checkout code POWELL15)

24:00:  Growing up in Canada, dentists, and competitive dance

28:00:  Finding snowboarding, moving to Whistler and staying there for 2 years before college

32:00:  College, the Olympic Park, and Superpark

27:00:  Moving to Golden, BC, heading out to the BC, meeting Leanne

38:00:  The pivotal point in her career, Tara Dakides, the Chile trip

43:00:  Spy Optics:  Get 20% off on their site Spyoptic.com using the code TPM20.

The 10 Barrel Brewery:  My favorite is 'Out of Office' Pilsner

45:00:  Snow Safety in the early days, weak links, and getting ditched in the Backcountry

52:00:  The Standard Films opportunity, Full Moon, Depth Perception and TGR

96:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Hana Beaman